We are an interfaith gathering of people who support one another in the practice of Zen meditation. This practice can deepen the roots of one’s faith tradition or simply open the way to a spiritual life grounded in the reality of the present moment. Zen allows us to flow through life with more equanimity so that we might engage in compassionate action.

Discover the heart and soul of Flowing River Sangha through our dedicated teachers. With decades of combined experience in meditation, nursing, and counseling, they offer a wealth of wisdom and compassion to guide your journey. Each teacher brings a unique blend of expertise and care, enriching our community with their diverse backgrounds and profound insights. To learn more about our teachers and their inspiring stories, visit our teachers page

Events / Schedule


Tuesdays: 4:45-5:45 pm

In person or Zoom

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Wyoming Valley

20 Church Road Wyoming, PA 18644

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97182476315?pwd=NXllUUpjSWNBVi9qdDE5S0FTZzQzUT09

Meeting ID: 971 8247 6315

Passcode: 763719

Thursdays 7pm-8:30pm

In person or Zoom

Gather Community Space

97 S. Franklin St.

Wilkes-Barre PA 18701

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/attendee/tZwtcu-grz8pG9NDJiGjtHQO1T8M_n1Q1nj8/ics?user_id=iv5g7c-gQZ2XuvEwXVumKQ

Meeting ID: 880 5681 4317 Passcode: 770929

Zazenkai @ the UU

Saturdays …..10am-3pm

February 3rd

June 1st

August 3rd

October 5th

December 7th

Weekend Sesshin

April 5th, 6th and 7th

November 8th, 9th and 10th

Camp Ladore, Waymart PA

End of year sitting @ UU 2-3:30pm Tuesday December 31st

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